Results for 'Lynn Jo Pillitteri'

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  1.  30
    Breaking the silence: three bHLH proteins direct cell‐fate decisions during stomatal development.Lynn Jo Pillitteri & Keiko U. Torii - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (9):861-870.
    Stomata are microscopic pores on the surface of land plants used for gas and water vapor exchange. A pair of highly specialized guard cells surround the pore and adjust pore size. Studies in Arabidopsis have revealed that cell–cell communication is essential to coordinate the asymmetric cell divisions required for proper stomatal patterning. Initial research in this area identified signaling molecules that negatively regulate stomatal differentiation. However, genes promoting cell‐fate transition leading to mature guard cells remained elusive. Now, three closely related (...)
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    Accounting Ethics. Accounting Ethics Ronald F. Duska and Brenda Shay Duska Malden, Mass.: Blackwell Publishing, 2003, 277 pp. [REVIEW]Jo Lynne Koehn - 2005 - Business Ethics Quarterly 15 (3):521-529.
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  3. Beyond Abortion: The Consequences of Overturning Roe.Lynn M. Paltrow, Lisa H. Harris & Mary Faith Marshall - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (8):3-15.
    The upcoming U.S. Supreme Court decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization has the potential to eliminate or severely restrict access to legal abortion care in the United States. We a...
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  4. Notes on some less familiar british astronomical and astrological manuscripts.Lynn Thorndike - 1959 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 22 (1/2):157-171.
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    Three astrological predictions.Lynn Thorndike - 1963 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 26 (3/4):343-347.
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    Teilhardowskie rozumienie grzechu.Józef Kulisz - 1986 - Warszawa: Akademia Teologii Katolickiej.
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    Notes on some astronomical, astrological and mathematical manuscripts of the bibliothèque nationale, Paris.Lynn Thorndike - 1957 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 20 (1/2):112-172.
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  8. Who Knows: From Quine to a Feminist Empiricism.Lynn Hankinson Nelson - 1992 - Hypatia 7 (1):100-114.
    I argue that Nelson's feminist transformation of empiricism provides the basis of a dialogue across three currently competing feminist epistemologies: feminist empiricism, feminist standpoint theories, and postmodern feminism, a dialogue that will result in a dissolution of the apparent tensions between these epistemologies and provide an epistemology with the openness and fluidity needed to embrace the concerns of feminists.
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    A Meta-Analysis of Ethics Instruction Effectiveness in the Sciences.Lynn D. Devenport, Shane Connelly, Ryan P. Brown, Michael D. Mumford, Ethan P. Waples, Alison L. Antes & Stephen T. Murphy - 2009 - Ethics and Behavior 19 (5):379-402.
    Scholars have proposed a number of courses and programs intended to improve the ethical behavior of scientists in an attempt to maintain the integrity of the scientific enterprise. In the present study, we conducted a quantitative meta-analysis based on 26 previous ethics program evaluation efforts, and the results showed that the overall effectiveness of ethics instruction was modest. The effects of ethics instruction, however, were related to a number of instructional program factors, such as course content and delivery methods, in (...)
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  10. Konserwatyzm w poglądach społecznofilozoficznych Henryka Rzewuskiego.Józef Urbaniak - 1979 - Poznań: Wydawn. Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza.
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  11. A theory of intergenerational justice.Jörg Tremmel - 2009 - London: Earthscan.
    Ultimately this book provides a theory of intergenerational justice that is both intellectually robust and practical with wide applicability to law and policy.
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    Revisiting George Gaylord Simpson’s “The Role of the Individual in Evolution”.Lynn K. Nyhart & Scott Lidgard - 2021 - Biological Theory 16 (4):203-212.
    “The Role of the Individual in Evolution” is a prescient yet neglected 1941 work by the 20th century’s most important paleontologist, George Gaylord Simpson. In a curious intermingling of explanation and critique, Simpson engages questions that would become increasingly fundamental in modern biological theory and philosophy. Did individuality, adaptation, and evolutionary causation reside at more than one level: the cell, the organism, the genetically coherent reproductive group, the social group, or some combination thereof? What was an individual, anyway? In this (...)
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  13. Microorganisms as scaffolds of host individuality: an eco-immunity account of the holobiont.Lynn Chiu & Gérard Eberl - 2016 - Biology and Philosophy 31 (6):819-837.
    There is currently a great debate about whether the holobiont, i.e. a multicellular host and its residential microorganisms, constitutes a biological individual. We propose that resident microorganisms have a general and important role in the individuality of the host organism, not the holobiont. Drawing upon the Equilibrium Model of Immunity, we argue that microorganisms are scaffolds of immune capacities and processes that determine the constituency and persistence of the host organism. A scaffolding perspective accommodates the contingency and heterogeneity of resident (...)
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  14. Ethical perception: are differences between ethnic groups situation dependent?Jo Ann Ho - 2010 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 19 (2):154-182.
    This study was conducted to determine how culture influences the ethical perception of managers. Most studies conducted so far have only stated similarities and differences in ethical perception between cultural or ethnic groups and little attention has been paid towards understanding how cultural values influence the ethnic groups' ethical perception. Moreover, most empirical research in this area has focused on moral judgement, moral decision making and action, with limited empirical work in the area of ethical perception. A total of 22 (...)
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  15.  46
    BRIEF REPORT Gratitude and prosocial behaviour: An experimental test of gratitude.Jo-Ann Tsang - 2006 - Cognition and Emotion 20 (1):138-148.
    McCullough, Kilpatrick, Emmons, and Larson (2001) posited that gratitude prompts individuals to behave prosocially. However, research supporting the prosocial effect of gratitude has relied on scenario and self-report methodology. To address limitations of previous research, this experiment utilised a laboratory induction of gratitude, a method that is potentially more covert than scenarios and that elicits actual grateful emotion. Prosocial responses to gratitude—operationalised as the distribution of resources to another—were paired with a self-report measure of gratitude to test the prosocial effect (...)
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    Is it language that makes humans intelligent?Jo Van Herwegen & Annette Karmiloff-Smith - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (3):298-298.
    The target article by Locke & Bogin (L&B) focuses on the evolution of language as a communicative tool. They neglect, however, that from infancy onwards humans have the ability to go beyond successful behaviour and to reflect upon language (and other domains of knowledge) as a problem space in its own right. This ability is not found in other species and may well be what makes humans unique.
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    Weighted Lotteries and the Allocation of Scarce Medications for Covid‐19.Lynn A. Jansen & Steven Wall - 2021 - Hastings Center Report 51 (1):39-46.
    The allocation of vaccines and therapeutics for Covid‐19 obviously raises ethical questions, and physicians and ethicists have begun to address them. Writers have identified various criteria that should guide allocation decisions, but the criteria often conflict and need to be balanced against one another. This article proposes a model for thinking about how different considerations that are relevant to the distribution of vaccines and scarce treatments for Covid‐19 could be integrated into an allocation procedure. The model employs the construct of (...)
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  18.  83
    Binding, spatial attention and perceptual awareness.Lynn C. Robertson - 2003 - Nature Reviews Neuroscience 4 (2):93-102.
  19.  20
    Changing Perspectives–Changing Paradigms: Demand management strategies and innovative solutions for a sustainable Okanagan water future.Oliver M. Brandes, Lynn Kriwoken, Water Conservation & Watershed Governance - forthcoming - Polis.
  20.  10
    Memória e espaço.Jô Gondar (ed.) - 2000 - Rio de Janeiro: 7Letras.
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  21. Ab..Jo Delahaut - 1970 - [Bruxelles,: chez l'auteur, r. Père-Damien, 13.
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    (1 other version)Microlending Gets an Infusion.Jo-Ann Johnston - 1995 - Business Ethics 9 (6):45-46.
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  23. Going Beyond the Catch-22 of Autism Diagnosis and Research. The Moral Implications of (Not) Asking “What Is Autism?”.Jo Bervoets & Kristien Hens - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Psychiatric diagnoses such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are primarily attributed on the basis of behavioral criteria. The aim of most of the biomedical research on ASD is to uncover the underlying mechanisms that lead to or even cause pathological behavior. However, in the philosophical and sociological literature, it has been suggested that autism is also to some extent a ‘social construct’ that cannot merely be reduced to its biological explanation. We show that a one-sided adherence to either a biological (...)
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    Informatikai matematikai alapvetés.József Szabó - 2006 - Debrecen: Debreceni Egyetem Kossuth Egyetemi Kiadó.
  25. Nihon shidō.Jō Takeuchi - 1940
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    Priming determinist beliefs diminishes implicit components of self-agency.Margaret T. Lynn, Paul S. Muhle-Karbe, Henk Aarts & Marcel Brass - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
  27. Introduction: working together on individuality.Lynn K. Nyhart & Scott Lidgard - 2017 - In Scott Lidgard & Lynn K. Nyhart, Biological Individuality: Integrating Scientific, Philosophical, and Historical Perspectives. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
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    The Role of Emergence in Biology.Lynn Rothschild - 2006 - In Philip Clayton & Paul Davies, The re-emergence of emergence: the emergentist hypothesis from science to religion. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 151--165.
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  29.  77
    The role of emotions in health professional ethics teaching.Lynn Gillam, Clare Delany, Marilys Guillemin & Sally Warmington - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (5):331-335.
    In this paper, we put forward the view that emotions have a legitimate and important role in health professional ethics education. This paper draws upon our experience of running a narrative ethics education programme for ethics educators from a range of healthcare disciplines. It describes the way in which emotions may be elicited in narrative ethics teaching and considers the appropriate role of emotions in ethics education for health professionals. We argue there is a need for a pedagogical framework to (...)
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    The history manifesto.Jo Guldi - 2014 - Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. Edited by David Armitage.
    How should historians speak truth to power--and why does it matter? Why is five hundred years better than five months or five years as a planning horizon? And why is history--especially long-term history--so essential to understanding the multiple pasts which gave rise to our conflicted present? The History Manifesto is a call to arms to historians and everyone interested in the role of history in contemporary society. Leading historians David Armitage and Jo Guldi identify a recent shift back to longer-term (...)
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  31. Faith at Work Scale (FWS): Justification, Development, and Validation of a Measure of Judaeo-Christian Religion in the Workplace.Monty L. Lynn, Michael J. Naughton & Steve VanderVeen - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 85 (2):227-243.
    Workplace spirituality research has sidestepped religion by focusing on the function of belief rather than its substance. Although establishing a unified foundation for research, the functional approach cannot shed light on issues of workplace pluralism, individual or institutional faith-work integration, or the institutional roles of religion in economic activity. To remedy this, we revisit definitions of spirituality and argue for the place of a belief-based approach to workplace religion. Additionally, we describe the construction of a 15-item measure of workplace religion (...)
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    The Blind Men, the Elephant, and Regional Order in Northeast Asia: Towards a New Conceptualization.Sam-Sang Jo - 2015 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 16 (4):507-531.
    No theory seems to describe accurately and explain competently the new, unusual, and idiosyncratic Northeast Asian regional order phenomenon. It is because Northeast Asian specialists like the blind men have seen only one of the parts of the or a part of what is taking place in Northeast Asia. This paper attempts to employ a new, more appropriate, more productive analytical tool to understand and navigate efficiently the Northeast Asian regional order. The main objective of this paper is, what it (...)
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  33. Ronkō jirui sakuln.Jōken Katō & Katsumi Yamada (eds.) - 1960
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  34. Ronkō koyū meishi sakuin.Jōken Katō & Katsumi Yamada (eds.) - 1961
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  35.  25
    The Periodization of Chinese History.Kuo Mo-jo - 1973 - Chinese Studies in History 6 (4):3-15.
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    Feminist Interpretations of Emma Goldman.Penny A. Weiss & Loretta Kensinger (eds.) - 2007 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Within the popular consciousness, Emma Goldman has become something of an icon, a symbol for rebellion and women’s rights. But there has been surprisingly little substantive analysis of her influence on social, political, and feminist theory. In _Feminist Interpretations of Emma Goldman,_ Weiss and Kensinger present essays that resist a simplistic understanding of Goldman and instead attempt to examine her thinking in its proper social, historical, and philosophical context. Only by considering the sources, influences, and specific significance of Goldman’s ideas (...)
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    What Is the Buzz About Iconicity? How Iconicity in Caregiver Speech Supports Children's Word Learning.Lynn K. Perry, Stephanie A. Custode, Regina M. Fasano, Brittney M. Gonzalez & Jordyn D. Savy - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (4):e12976.
    One cue that may facilitate children's word learning is iconicity, or the correspondence between a word's form and meaning. Some have even proposed that iconicity in the early lexicon may serve to help children learn how to learn words, supporting the acquisition of even noniconic, or arbitrary, word–referent associations. However, this proposal remains untested. Here, we investigate the iconicity of caregivers’ speech to young children during a naturalistic free‐play session with novel stimuli and ask whether the iconicity of caregivers’ speech (...)
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  38.  24
    Resolving ambiguity in nonmonotonic inheritance hierarchies.Lynn Andrea Stein - 1992 - Artificial Intelligence 55 (2-3):259-310.
  39.  76
    Distributivity in Chiense and its Implications.Jo-Wang Lin & Fred Landman - 1998 - Natural Language Semantics 6 (2):201-243.
    This paper gives an analysis of the Chinese distributivity marker dou 'all', which can occur not only with definite plural NPs but also with NPs whose determiner is a quantifier word such as mei 'every' or dabufen-de 'most'. Besides normal distributive predicates, it can also occur with certain types of collective predicates. The difficulties of giving a compositional interpretation to constructions of these kinds are discussed in detail. I show that we can solve those difficulties if we treat dou as (...)
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    Telling the truth to seriously ill children: Considering children's interests when parents veto telling the truth.Lynn Gillam, Merle Spriggs, Maria McCarthy & Clare Delany - 2022 - Bioethics 36 (7):765-773.
    Bioethics, Volume 36, Issue 7, Page 765-773, September 2022.
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    Ethics Consultant Training Standards: Don't Lower the Bar Without Benefit.Lynn Sipsey & Joan Henriksen - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (4):67-69.
    In “Ethics Consultation in U.S. Hospitals: Opinions of Ethics Practitioners,” Fox and colleagues note that despite efforts of the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities to impr...
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  42.  56
    Medical Beneficence, Nonmaleficence, and Patients’ Well-Being.Lynn A. Jansen - 2022 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 33 (1):23-28.
    This article critically analyzes the principle of beneficence and the principle of nonmaleficence in clinical medical ethics. It resists some recent skepticism about the principle of nonmaleficence, and then seeks to explain its role in medicine. The article proposes that the two principles are informed by different accounts of what is in the patient’s best interests. The principle of beneficence is tied to the patient’s best overall interests, whereas the principle of nonmaleficence is tied to the patient’s best medical interests (...)
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  43.  91
    Underdetermination, holism, and feminist philosophy of science.Lynn Hankinson Nelson - 2022 - Synthese 200 (1):1-12.
    Appeals to some thesis of underdetermination, to the idea that scientific theories and hypotheses are not entailed by the evidence that supports them, are common in feminist philosophy of science. These appeals seek to understand and explain how androcentrism and other problematic approaches to gender have found their way into good science, as well as the reverse – how feminist approaches to gender and science that are also value-laden, can contribute to good science. Focusing on W.V. Quine’s positions on holism (...)
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  44. Traktat zum Topos Verantwortung.Jörg Klawitter - 1987 - In Wilhelm Baumgartner, Gewissheit und Gewissen: Festschrift für Franz Wiedmann zum 60. Geburtstag. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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    At the coalface--medical ethics in practice. Futility and death in paediatric medical intensive care.I. M. Balfour-Lynn & R. C. Tasker - 1996 - Journal of Medical Ethics 22 (5):279-281.
    We have conducted a retrospective study of deaths on a paediatric medical intensive care unit over a two-year period and reviewed similar series from outside the UK. There were 89 deaths out of 651 admission (13.7% mortality). In almost two-thirds of the cases death occurred with a decision to limit medical treatment or withdraw mechanical ventilation, implying that additional or further therapy was considered futile. We highlight this as a crucially important issue in the practice of intensive care. More comprehensive (...)
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  46.  62
    Moral Credentialing and the Rationalization of Misconduct.Lynn D. Devenport, Shane Connelly, Michael D. Mumford, Collin D. Barnes, Xiaoqian Wang, Michael Tamborski & Ryan P. Brown - 2011 - Ethics and Behavior 21 (1):1-12.
    Recent studies lead to the paradoxical conclusion that the act of affirming one's egalitarian or prosocial values and virtues might subsequently facilitate prejudiced or self-serving behavior, an effect previously referred to as ?moral credentialing.? The present study extends this paradox to the domain of academic misconduct and investigates the hypothesis that such an effect might be limited by the extent to which misbehavior is rationalizable. Using a paradigm designed to investigate deliberative and rationalized forms of cheating (von Hippel, Lakin, & (...)
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  47.  26
    Sartre, Kafka and the Universality of the Literary Work.Jo Bogaerts - 2014 - Sartre Studies International 20 (1):69-85.
    French existentialism is commonly regarded as the main impetus for the universal significance that Kafka gained in postwar France. A leading critic, Marthe Robert, has contended that this entailed an outright rejection of interest in the biographical, linguistic and historical dimension of Kafka's writing in order to interpret it as a general expression of the human condition. This article will consider this claim in the light of Sartre's original conceptualization of a dialectic of the universal and the particular in the (...)
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    Spór o istnienie człowieka.Józef Tischner - 1998 - Kraków: Znak.
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  49. The role of Psychology in the Response to Global Warming. Some Preliminary Observations.Jo Thakker - 2008 - In R. C. Hillerbrand & R. Karlsson, Beyond the Global Village. Environmental Challenges inspiring Global Citizenship. The Interdisciplinary Press.
  50. Proportionality, terminal suffering and the restorative goals of medicine.Lynn A. Jansen & Daniel P. Sulmasy - 2002 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 23 (4-5):321-337.
    Recent years have witnessed a growing concern that terminally illpatients are needlessly suffering in the dying process. This has ledto demands that physicians become more attentive in the assessment ofsuffering and that they treat their patients as `whole persons.'' Forthe most part, these demands have not fallen on deaf ears. It is nowwidely accepted that the relief of suffering is one of the fundamentalgoals of medicine. Without question this is a positive development.However, while the importance of treating suffering has generally (...)
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